If you wish to hide/show sections of your document based on certain conditions then you can surround that text with consitional merge fields (IF, ELSEIF, ELSE)


In order to create a conditional statement in your document template you will need to create a merge field using the following format:

[[*IF {FirstName|pt=Client|rn=*} = "Steve" *]] Hello Steve [[*ENDIF*]] 


The * denotes that we're doing something special while the IF starts the conditional statement


The standard merge fields from your merge field list should be included in braces (otherwise known as "curly brackets")


Any static values should be included in quotes and there should be an operator in front of that static value


The text that you wish to display should follow the conditional start field 
Hello Steve 

Finally, you will need to include a conditional field stop


You can add any number of ELSEIF options for additional conditions and and ELSE section as a catch-all if all prior IF/ELSEIF conditional are false


The Client's Nickname is: [[*IF {FirstName|pt=Client} == "James" *]] Jim [[*ELSEIF {FirstName|pt=Client} == "Robert" *]] Bob [[*ELSE*]] [[FirstName|pt=Client]] [[*ENDIF*]]