Installing Divisional Accounts

All accounts must initially be set up as Master Accounts and can then be "Installed" at a divisional level. Select the relevant Division from the Display drop down box to start installing Master Accounts. If you do not use Divisions then just select your company name from the Display drop down box.


Clicking on the Edit Accounts hyperlink that can be found to the right of your screen will take you to the Division Accounts list where you can select the accounts you wish to install

Go through the list and ensure all required accounts are Installed (tick to Install) or un-tick any that are not required. You can also edit account names if required. Click the Save button located at the bottom of your screen to save your changes. Note: Where the account is a header account, it must be removed from the Division at the Master accounts level.

If you are just moving to ActionStep Accounting, you may now be ready to enter your Opening Balances.

Renaming Accounts

Accounts can also be renamed while in the EDIT function of the Accounts list. 

Click on the name field and overwrite. NOTE: Renaming in the Division Accounts list will not rename the Master Account.