Using List Views

The most frequently accessed view is likely to be the action list (which may be called something different on your system e.g. Matter List). Some of the common elements are shown in the screenshot below.

Selecting Rows

You can select rows by clicking in the checkbox on the left side of each row. The options above the list will change depending on whether you have selected no rows, one row, or multiple rows.

You can select/de-select rows in bulk by clicking on the select box at the top of the list.


You can filter the list contents by either selecting a saved filter, or opening the filter panel.

Click "Apply" to filter the list. You can save your favourite filters by clicking 'Save' and giving it a name.

Your saved filters will show up in the Filters list. Click the red "X" to delete saved filters.



  • To exclude a specific number, for example to find all amounts not equal to zero use an exclamation mark in the first box of the number range. E.g. enter !0 in the first box (the second can be left blank).
  • To find text values that are blank type EMPTY or NULL or "" (double empty quotes) into the text filter.
  • To find non-empty fields use NotNull

List Settings

You can control how many rows appear in each page of the lists by changing the "Maximum List Rows" in your profile settings. You can click from page to page at the bottom of the list.

Exporting to Spreadsheet

You can export the entire list contents (not just the current page) to a spreadsheet by clicking the "Export" button at the top right corner of the list. This is often useful for ad-hoc analysis, summing, grouping, and creating charts.