Error Codes

Error Codes

HTTP Status Codes

The following are the HTTP status codes that may be encountered when using the Actionstep API.

CodeStatus TextDescription
200OKStandard success response. GET responses will return the resource being requested. POST responses will return the resource that has been acted upon.
201CreatedA new resource has successfully being created. The response will contain the newly created resource as though it had been requested using the GET method.
204No ContentSuccessfully processed request but not information is being returned. Often used when resources are being deleted. May occur if there are no records matching the requested filters.
400Bad RequestBadly structured request that cannot be fulfilled.
401UnauthorizedSimilar to 403, but specific to the authorization that has either failed, or has not yet been provided.
403ForbiddenVaild request, but the server is refusing to respond to it.
404Not FoundThe requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future. Subsequent requests to this resource are permissible.
405Method Not AllowedA request was made to a resource that doesn't support the request method used.
406Not AcceptableUnable to generate content according to the requested Accept headers.
415Unsupported Media TypeUnsupported media type by the resource or server.
500Internal Server ErrorGeneral error message given when an unexpected condition is encountered.
503Service UnavailableThe server is currently unavailable. This is a temporary state.

Actionstep Error Codes

Actionstep specific error codes are group into the following general categories and may be returned with one of the above HTTP status codes, most commonly 500 Internal Server Error.

Code GroupDescription
1100Errors to do with routing the Request.
1200Errors to do with building the Response.
1300Errors to do with handling the Request.
1500Errors to do with the requested Resources.

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