Resources are the objects that Actionstep has made available to API clients. Each resource page defines properties and fields available for that resource. Below is a description of each section common to all of the resource pages.
Resource Location
The resource path to be appended to the base endpoint in order to act on this resource. For example:
Available Methods
The HTTP methods that Actionstep supports on the resource. These can also be queried by using the OPTIONS method on a resource.
OPTIONS /timerecords
Page Size & Max Page Size
Most resources exist as collections. As such, collections greater than the default or requested page size will be returned paged. Each resource defines the default page size and a max page size. The default page size cannot be adjusted but a custom page size can be requested as long as it doesn't exceed the max page size, which also cannot be adjusted. The default values are set in relation to the size of the resource objects requested.
Resource Attributes
A table describing the attributes of the resource. This table has the following columns:
Field | The attribute name |
Description | A short description of the attribute |
Format | The format that Actionstep requires the attribute value to be in when creating or updating resources. See Formats. |
Required | Indicates if the attribute is required when creating or updating a recourse. |
Field Type | Indicates the type of attribute when requesting a resource. An attribute with the type "default" will be returned automatically with a resource request; whereas, an attributed with the type "additional" must be requested specifically if it is to be returned as part of the resource. A "link" type indicates that the attribute is found in the links attribute of the resource and relates to another resource. This relationship can be either one-to-one or one-to-many (represented by example values of "1" and "[1,2,3]" respectively). |
Notes | Helpful information - particularly in regard to required logic and constraints when creating or updating resources. |
Link Templates
A table of resources, with its corresponding URL templates. The items in this table are primarily comprised of linked resources that are referenced in the resource object, or where the primary resource is referenced in additional resources.
Basically what this means is that the return data will contain a bunch of urls which you could use to programmatically request additional information linked to the returned data if needed.
A table of error codes that may be encountered. The primary field that is affected by the error is listed as well as a description of the conditions that exist on the field when setting it's value.
The following table is a list of formats that are used in this documentation to describe the form a value should take when creating and updating resources. Each format has a base type of either: string, number, boolean or null. Additionally, the string base type supports a length option. For example, "string(5)" denotes that the max length of the value is 5 characters.
Format | Base Type | Example | Notes |
timestamp | string | "2014-12-28T17:23:14+12:00" | |
decimal(precision,length) | number | 12.6 | Custom decimal number that doesn't conform to our other specified decimal formats. |
currency | number | 13.10 | Decimal number with a set precision of 2 and a set length of 10. |
time | number | 15.82 | Decimal number with a set precision of 2. |
collection | string | "[1,2,3]" | |
boolean | string | "T" or "F" | "T" indicates true and "F" indicated false. |