
Filter options are added to the end of the Query string in the URL as key/value pairs. Strict matching between fieldname and value is supported (i.e. "owner=123"); as well as, a range of supported operations. To use the support operations the following paradigm is employed: the key consists of the fieldname on which to filter (i.e. "owner") plus an operation identifier denoting the desired operation (i.e. "_eq"). The filter option may then look like this: "owner_eq=123"

Available Filter Options

OperationOperation IdentifierNotes
Not Equal[[Fieldname]]_nteq
In[[Fieldname]]_in for example, /api/rest/actions?actionType_in=1,2,3,4
Not In[[Fieldname]]_ntin for example, /api/rest/actions?actionType_ntin=1,2,3,4
Greater Than[[Fieldname]]_gt
Less Than[[Fieldname]]_lt
Greater Than Equal To[[Fieldname]]_gteq
Less Than Equal To[[Fieldname]]_lteq
Like[[Fieldname]]_likefor example /api/rest/actions?name_ilike=*test*
ILike[[Fieldname]]_ilikeCase insensitive option
Not Like[[Fieldname]]_ntlike
Not ILike[[Fieldname]]_ntilike

Linked Resources

To filter on linked resources you can either filter on the primary key of the linked resource (ID), or by specifying a column.

For example if you want to filter time records on the "owner" linked resource you can do this as follows:

.../timerecords?owner_eq=78 or: ../timerecords?owner[id_eq]=78

or, by some other column


Sublink Resources

You can link resources to other links to drill down even further. For example if you want to find all the actions with a division name that contains the phrase "demonstration" you can write it as follows:

GET /api/rest/actions?division[participant][displayName_ilike]=demo*

The API will translate this into a SQL query something like the following (not that you need to know this, but it might help you understand the example)

SELECT * FROM action WHERE division in (SELECT id FROM division WHERE participant in (SELECT id FROM participant WHERE displayName ILIKE 'demonstration%'))

Filter Options By Field Type

Available filtering options differ from field type to field type. There are 5 possible field types: Integer, Char, Varchar, Numeric and Datetime.

Field TypeEqualNot EqualInNot InGreater ThanLess ThanGreater Than Equal ToLess Than Equal ToLikeiLikeNot LikeNot iLike






?Filter option

You can optionally filter using the "?filter" directive with a url-encoded SQL query string as the value.


?filter=primaryParticipants.displayName ilike '%Des%' OR primaryParticipants.displayName ilike '%Smith%'

Which should look like the following once URL-encoded


Don't forget to URL-encode the query string

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