

The information in this document is currently in BETA and subject to change.

The Tasks resource represents tasks across the system to which the end user has access. Tasks are directly related to the Actions resource. Tasks MAY have both an actual time value and a billable time value. 

Resource Properties
Scope Parametertasks
Default Page Size50
Max Page Size200
Default IncludesNone

Resource Attributes
FieldDescriptionFormatRequiredField TypeNotes
nameThe name of the task.stringtruedefault
statusThe status of the task.stringtruedefaultThis is limited to "Incomplete" or "Complete".
priorityThe priority of the task.stringfalsedefaultThis is limited to "Low", "Normal" or "High".
dueTimestampWhen the task is due.timestamptruedefaultThe due date may be determined in a variety of ways. If the resource hasTriggerDate === true then the dueTimestamp is based on a custom data field in the associated Action resource. Otherwise the dueTimestamp may be set by conditions in its template resource and manually adjusted.
startedTimestampWhen the task was started.timestampfalsedefaultThe startTimestamp coincides with the status being changed to "Incomplete".
completedTimestampWhen the task is completed.timestampfalsedefaultThe completedTimestamp coincides with the status being change to "Complete".
lastModifiedTimestampWhere the task is last modified.timestampfalsedefault
actualHoursThe actual time spent on the task in hours.decimalfalsedefault
billableHoursThe portion of the time considered billable for the resource in hours.decimalfalsedefaultThe billableHours portion may in fact be greater than the actualHours value.
descriptionThe long description of the task.stringfalsedefault
assignedByThe display name of the participant who assigned this task to the assignee.stringfalseadditionalTasks may at times be automatically generated; in which case, the assignedBy value will be "Auto-assigned".
completeDuringStepA constraint requiring that the task be completed while its associated Action resource is on this step.integerfalseadditional
completeBeforeStepA constraint requiring that the task be completed before its associated Action can be moved to this step.integerfalseadditional
string (25)falseadditional
isBillingHoldIf the task is being temporarily excluded from billing.booleanfalseadditional
isPartBilledIf the task has been part billed.booleanfalseadditional
confirmedNonBillableIf the task has been confirmed as non-billable.booleanfalseadditional
confirmedNonBillableTimestampIf the task has been confirmed as non-billable, when it was confirmed as non-billable.timestampfalseadditional
hasTriggerDateIf the task dueTimestamp is tied to a datacollections resource.booleanfalseadditional
triggerFieldIf the task dueTimestamp is tied to a datacollections resource, the name of the data field in that collection.stringfalseadditional
triggerOffsetIf the task dueTimestamp is tied to a datacollections resource, the offset in Days to apply to the triggerField value.integerfalseadditional
triggerWeekdaysOnlyIf the task dueTimestamp is tied to a datacollections resource, whether to calculate the triggerOffset base solely on weekdays or all days.booleanfalseadditional
triggerDataCollectionThe datacollections resource to be used to set the dueTimestamp.stringfalselinkNot Yet Implemented.
actionThe associated actions resource.stringtruelink
assigneeThe associated participants resource for the participant to whom the task is assigned.stringtruelink
rateThe associated rates resource for the task.stringtruelink
confirmedNonBillableByThe associated participants resource for the participant who confirmed the task as non-billable.stringfalselink
linkedDocumentTemplateThe associated documenttemplates resource for the task.stringfalselinkNot Yet Implemented.
linkedDataCollectionThe associated datacollections resource for the task.stringfalselinkNot Yet Implemented.
templateThe associated tasktemplates resource from which the task was created.stringfalselinkNot Yet Implemented.

Link Templates
IdentifierResourceLocation Template

T-01billableHoursThe billableHours value can't be less than the total Timerecords billableHours for this task.
T-02actualHoursThe actualHours value can't be less than the total Timerecords actualHours for this task.
T-03assigneeThe assignee is a system user and has (at least) read access to this task.
T-04completedTimestampThe completedTimestamp is less than the startedTimestamp.
T-05completedTimestampThe completedTimestamp must exist if the status is "Complete".
T-06startedTimestampThe startedTimestamp must exist if the status is anything other than "Incomplete".
T-07priorityThe priority value must be "Low", "Normal" or "High"
T-08statusThe status value must be "Incomplete" or "Complete"
T-09completeDuringStepThe value of completeDuringStep must be less than the value of the completeBeforeStep.
T-10confirmedNonBillableTimestampA value is required if the confirmedNonBillable === true.
T-11confirmedNonBillableByA value is required if the confirmedNonBillable === true.
T-12rateA value is required if the billableHours > 0.

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