Participant Types

The information in this document is currently in BETA and subject to change.

The Partcipant Types resource represents the types of participants for actions.

Resource Properties
Scope Parameterparticipanttypes
Default Page Size50
Max Page Size200
Default IncludesNone

Resource Attributes
FieldDescriptionFormatRequiredField TypeRestrictionsNotes
nameThe name of the participant type.string (50)truedefault

descriptionThe description of the participant type.string (255)falsedefault

isBaseParticipantTypeIndicates if this is the default participant type for a contact.booleantruedefault

companyFlagIndicates whether the base participant type flag applies to individals or companies.booleanfalsedefault

taxNumberAliasThe alias for the tax number for this participant type.stringfalsedefault

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